The Intellectual and Industrial Property rights on this website are owned exclusively or by request / permission of third parties, in the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of the same at the time it is considered opportune and adequate to be able to achieve these. objectives.

All the contents included in this web page are the property of ALL SIGHT SAFETY FL LLC, owner of the same, and are easily accessible to the public in order to provide as much information and marketing as desired and necessary on the page as well as all the products and services marketed and offered by it in order to be able to offer accurate and specific information to all its customers.

In no case does access to said website imply any type of waiver, transmission or total or partial transfer of rights, nor does it confer any right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of said contents without prior and express prior consent. authorization by its owner. In this sense, ALL SIGHT SAFETY FL LLC has the right to freely modify its page at any time without any possibility of claim except as mentioned in the subsequent paragraphs.

All the contents and integral parts of this web page have been included in accordance with the principles of good faith that our contractual system defends, with information coming totally or partially from sources internal to the entity itself, which is why ALL SIGHT SAFETY FL LLC does not go be responsible in any way for the wrong information issued by external third parties that are not authorized by ALL SIGHT SAFETY FL LLC,. In the event of any problem in relation to external content, the entity recommends that users go directly to the companies responsible for the erroneous content.

On the contrary, all those contents from internal sources will be duly identified with their copyright and protected by it. The entity reserves for itself the right or power to make any change at any time without the need for prior notice, based on the rights that copyright grants them. All the contents included in the page from internal sources that bear their identifying copyright sign, are the sole and exclusive responsibility of ALL SIGHT SAFETY FL LLC, responding for the errors or omissions of the information or content published in it, users must go to the same entity in their claims. BMGInnovation is a registered trademark of ALL SIGHT SAFETY FL LLC, where it is the creator of the same.

ALL SIGHT SAFETY FL LLC, incorporates the conditions and use in great detail so that you know the required requirements. Only the content required by the Company to be accepted in the online application is accepted DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION LLC, an account is created, the link used for the online application will only be sent through a text message to those users that will work for those companies that need their skills and dexterity in the area of civil construction or among others, these applications will be exclusive content for  ALL SIGHT SAFETY FL LLC., and will be used in a determined way once the affiliation link is born settled down. The DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION LLC  website is a trademark legally owned by ALL SIGHT SAFETY FL LLC., Registered in the United States of America with its main headquarters in the State of Florida and has a physical facility at 4407 Vineland RD, Orlando 32811 from Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION LLC, will take into consideration to notify by email all the people who have an affiliate link with the Company, when it considers modifying or improving the use and benefit in the terms of conditions of our users, as long as it is necessary and current law stipulates it mandatory. The affiliated user is fully entitled for whatever reason he is not satisfied or accepts the modifications or changes in the use and conditions, he may immediately communicate by email to the company and indicating his concern where he will be attended by the LEGAL Office.

ALL SIGHT SAFETY FL LLC, will make the decision to disable the user when he uses our electronic platform incorrectly or violates our security policies by creating false information when registering at DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION LLC.

Enter all the data as required by the system of the DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION LLC website, complete and mandatory, this is done in order that the company will keep a record of all its users who use the service to make online requests such as see your location of the project that you are going to work or consult your available certificates that you carry out or need to do.

The seller who uses the services of the page, is responsible for any error, false and misleading doubtful data, when requesting any service through this online application. In the event of any eventuality described above, the user will have the imminent obligation to compensate for their error, modify and correct and in case of damages, repair the damage caused with whoever committed it, notifying the company immediately, to define what it will be. the destination to be followed for your registration, in compliance with the specified terms and specifications.

Cookies may be used on some of our web pages. “Cookies” are small text files that are stored in a space on our server, this helps us provide a better and more personalized website experience. For example, a cookie can be used to store registration information in one area of our website so that you do not have to re-enter it on subsequent visits to that area. It is the policy of DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION LLC to use cookies to make it easier for visitors to navigate our websites and facilitate efficient registration procedures. Website statistics are compiled by DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION LLC and are used for quality reporting and statistics only. If you are concerned about cookies, most browsers allow users to reject cookies and can continue browsing the site without any problem; however, other functions of our website may be affected. After your visit to our website is over, you can always delete the cookie from your system if you wish.

Account: We collect, and associate with your account, information like your name, email address, phone number, payment info, and physical address. Some of our services let you access your accounts and your information with other service prociders.

Always maintaining the integrity of the data that users store in our app, we use SSL certifications for the security of payment and collection transactions, and we do not disclose any user data to any external entity that may compromise the safety of the individual.

To delete user accounts you must log in to the All Safety app, then go to tools and privacy policies, and then to the delete accounts section.

User data is required to create accounts, as the application has course purchases that must be protected from any user who wants to steal their bank account data. The following are requested: name and surname, email address, where it will be used as a username, phone number, where it will be used to send and receive communications, and code to recover accounts.